O Wisdom, from the mouth of the Most High proceeding,
From farthest bounds to farthest bounds pervading,
Mightily and sweetly all things ordaining,
Come to bring us understanding.
Wisdom—it’s more than simply being smart. It’s something that goes deeper than that. It’s something that is more than simply being right. It’s something that goes deeper than that. Wisdom is about being at peace and harmony with the order of things, with the way things are “supposed to be.” To be wise is to be attune to creation and all its intricacies.
We in our culture often talk of wisdom coming with age and experience. A wise person has had a chance to live life, make mistakes, and learn from them. But what of God’s wisdom? God’s wisdom is as timeless as God’s very existence.
In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters. Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. |
God’s wisdom was there when the very foundations of the universe were called for into existence. The wisdom of God, whose incarnated coming is nigh. When this wisdom enters our story, it brings understanding—understanding about who we are and who God is. It brings understanding of our brokenness, understanding of our failings, understandings of our selfishness, understanding shortcomings. But it also brings understanding of God’s mercy, of God’s grace, of God’s transcendent truth, of God’s all-encompassing desire that creation be at harmony with itself and with God.
But most importantly, it brings understanding that in our brokenness, we are nonetheless tied to God's greatness. That is God's wisdom, the righting of the wrongs about this world and God's promise is that we are part of that healing.
O Wisdom, from the mouth of the Most High proceeding,
From farthest bounds to farthest bounds pervading,
Mightily and sweetly all things ordaining,
Come to bring us understanding.
Proverbs 8
John 1:1-14
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